The new Cabinet team photo

On his policy to get rid of te reo Maori names of government departments, Winston Peters said it did not extend to Te Papa.

Winston Peters speaks to the media

Winston Peters, now the Foreign Affairs minister again, said he could not say what his early priorities would be as foreign minister, but was getting a briefing from officials soon. 

He did not yet know whether he would be accompanying Luxon to Australia.

New Cabinet to meet for the first time tomorrow, Luxon to travel to Australia before Christmas

Cabinet will meet for the first time tomorrow, according to Luxon, and on Wednesday it will consider items including signing off on the 100 Day Plan.

Luxon also plans to visit Australia before Christmas.

The trip is presumably to meet Australian's PM Anthony Albanese.

Luxon was originally going to meet Albanese among other leaders at Apec, but had to abandon that because of coalition negotiations.

Luxon acknowledged his ministry was slightly larger than others, but said it was not out of whack with previous governments and had to include three parties in coalition.

On the overall work programme, he said it was "unique" that all three parties had signed up for the whole programme. He was confident the government could deliver on it, despite the size of it.

Luxon on smoking laws

On the smoking laws, Luxon said he would continue to ensure there were good cessation programmes, encourage people to vape to get away from smoking, and restricting vapes to over 18s.

He said the government would move to stop vape sales to under 18's: "we are going to toughen that up and harden it up quite a lot." That would include harsher penalties for sales to underage people.

Luxon on public service cuts

Christopher Luxon said cuts to the public service would partly come from not re-employing people into vacant roles, and then looking at the overall headcount.

Luxon addresses the media after being sworn in as Prime Minister

Luxon defended changes to smokefree laws, saying while the Government does get extra revenue from it, it's not the motivation for it. He said the parties of the coalition had not supported the progressive ban on smoking.

"We are concerned and worried it's been a deteriorating situation for some months now," he said on the economy. 

The Government was getting briefings and was waiting for HYEFU (Half Year Economic and Fiscal Update) to show what state the books were now in and the fiscal surprises.

Chris Hipkins congratulates new Prime Minister Christopher Luxon

β€œOn behalf of the Labour Party I would like to congratulate Christopher Luxon on his appointment as Prime Minister,” Labour Party Leader Chris Hipkins said.

β€œI wish Mr Luxon and his coalition partners well.

"New Zealand has been through some tough times but we are seeing the economy turning a corner, wages growing and climate emissions reducing. I hope this progress continues," Hipkins said.

"I also encourage the new Government to commit to continue funding the public services that New Zealanders need and rely on.”